Social Integration and Development of Boy Child in Kenya


  • Dr. Agness Nzioka


Social integration, responsibilities, relationships and mentorship


Over the years, so much emphasis has been placed on raising girls to higher levels that society has forgotten about the boy child. At the time, society in Africa and particularly in Kenya was content with the boy child's position and unconsciously focused on the girl child to the alienation of the boy. The callous disregard for boys has caused a decline in their development and performance and caused an identity crisis. �Consequently, a significant majority of the African boychild have grown into dysfunctional adults. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the role of social integration on the development of boy child in Kenya. The study used an explanatory research design. The target population unit of analysis was all the 3,500,000 students, 113,200 teachers, 10,463 principals, 3,400,000 parents, 14 heads of mental health hospitals, 129 heads of prisons, and 47 county education officers respectively in Kenya. Stratified-Systematic sampling and purposive sampling were used to identify a sample size of 1,682 respondents selected using the Krejcie and Morgan Table formula. The findings revealed a statistically significant positive moderate correlations between responsibilities (r= 0.11, p<0.05), relationships (r=0.12, p<0.05), and mentorship (r=0.33, p<0.01) with boy child development suggest that these factors not only independently contribute to development but also interact synergistically to establish a robust framework for social integration. The findings from this study offer valuable insights for policymakers and implementers in addressing critical gender disparities and enhancing the development and performance of boys. This has broader implications for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Africa Vision 2050, and Kenya Vision 2030.�

Social Integration and Development of Boy Child in Kenya




How to Cite

Dr. Agness Nzioka. (2024). Social Integration and Development of Boy Child in Kenya. London Journal of Medical and Health Research, 24(10), 27–37. Retrieved from