Inquiry work as a Transversal Axis in the Teaching Sequence of Descriptive Statistics


  • santarrone


The objective of the work is to present an essential part of the design of the descriptive statistics teaching sequence, carried out within the framework of the master's thesis in university teaching that seeks to promote the learning of the fundamental ideas of parametric statistical inference in the students of the Department of Statistics of the Public Accountant career at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of the Litoral of the Argentine Republic.

Although the proposed sequence is not approached through a project, its evolution tends to enable students to address a research problem and work on it from the general steps that are taken in a statistical study. We believe it is a sequential, dynamic, and alternative way for students to develop the statistical proficiency expected in sequencing.

Inquiry work as a Transversal Axis in the Teaching Sequence of Descriptive Statistics




How to Cite

santarrone. (2024). Inquiry work as a Transversal Axis in the Teaching Sequence of Descriptive Statistics. London Journal of Research In Humanities and Social Sciences, 24(3), 5–14. Retrieved from