@incollection{, 7D91F2EE388810CC96952A4A2D9609C3 , author={{}}, journal={{}}, journal={{}}, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Great Britain Journals Press Organisation} } @book{b0, , title={{Il mestiere di scienziato}} , author={{ PBourdieu }} , year={2001} , address={Feltrinelli, Milano} } @book{b1, , author={{ CCorposanto }} , title={{Metodologia e tecniche non intrusive nella ricerca sociale}} FrancoAngeli, Milano , year={2004} } @incollection{b2, , title={{The essence of things. Is there a methodological specificity in sociological knowledge?}} , author={{ CCorposanto }} , journal={{Science & Philosophy}} 10 1 , year={2022 a} } @incollection{b3, , title={{The problem of scientific knowledge in Sociology: Big Data, Representativity and Abduction}} , author={{ CCorposanto }} , journal={{Global Journal of Human-Social Science: Sociology & Culture, GJHSS-C}} 22 4 , year={2022 b} } @incollection{b4, , title={{How does the error from sampling to Big Data change?}} , author={{ CCorposanto } and { BMolinari }} , journal={{ISR -Italian Sociological Review}} 12 , year={2022} } @book{b5, , title={{Il mondo che cambia: come la globalizzazione ridisegna la nostra vita}} , author={{ AGiddens }} , year={2000} , address={Il mulino; Bologna} } @book{b6, , author={{ FAHayek }} , title={{L'abuso della ragione}} Seam, Roma , year={1952} } @book{b7, , title={{Scientism and education: Empirical London Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences research as neo-liberal ideology}} , author={{ EJHyslop-Margison } and { ANaseem }} , year={2007} , publisher={Springer Science & Business Media} , address={Netherlands} } @book{b8, , title={{Misurazione, esperimenti, leggi: il sillogismo scientista}} , author={{ AMarradi }} , year={2010} , publisher={Quaderni di Sociologia} } @incollection{b9, , title={{Rimozione gnoseologica e negazione ontologica: riflessioni sullo scientismo}} , author={{ FParziale }} , booktitle={{Las Ciencias Sociales ¿Seguiran Imitando a Las Ciencias Duras}} , editor={ Un Simposio A Distancia } Antigua, Buenos Aires , year={2015} } @incollection{b10, , title={{Science, Scientism, and Explanation}} , author={{ RobinsonDaniel } and { N } and { FranzSchubert }} , booktitle={{Scientism: The New Orthodoxy}} , editor={ RichardNWilliams and DanielNRobinson } Bloomsbury, London , year={2014} } @book{b11, , author={{ RScruton }} , title={{Scientism and the Humanities}} , editor={ RichardNWilliams and DanielNRobinson } Bloomsbury, London , year={2014} , note={Scientism: The New Orthodoxy} } @book{b12, , title={{The two cultures}} , author={{ CPSnow }} , year={2012} , publisher={Cambridge University Press} , address={Cambridge} } @book{b13, , title={{The Sociological Imagination}} , author={{ WrightMills } and { C }} , year={1953} , publisher={Oxford University Press} , address={Oxford} }